
Valerie Persina

Personal fitness coach
and certified Nutritionist

„Healthy way of losing weight is not about restrictions,
it is about freedom of your choice in what you eat“

Individual training programs
exercises under the supervision of the professional fitness trainer
Individual training programs are compiled by the client's genetic predispositions, body structure, health problems or risks, and fitness equipment (the trainer also uses his own equipment).
The personal training is set up and can be adapted both for the goal of losing weight and for muscle recruitment and sculpting. We will also increase strength, endurance and improve posture thanks to the professionally chosen training method.
The client is sure that she/he will not receive a training plan with exercises that he cannot master or that are not completely suitable for him. The support will personally guarantee the control of the exercise technique thanks to a correction during the entire exercise.
The training plan is compiled professionally, taking into account all knowledge of human physiology and biomechanics. The client's hormonal status (if it is a woman), her period of life and her mental state during that period are taken into account. Exercise is designed for joy, results and for the pleasure of physical activity.
Individual trainings WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM programs
(loosing weight/build muscles/focus on health condition)

60 minutes personal
training in a gym + NUTRITION supervision

Professional care during training sessions - safety and good health program
Nutrition PLAN - individual-suited NUTRITION PLAN (easy to follow) with MENU and trainer support and motivation, work with psychology to change nutrition habits for a long time holding results
Using facilities in a gym.
Exercise technique control, present motivation.
Ability to do more work = better and faster results.
Selection of alternative exercises without waiting in the absence of free machines/equipments in the gym = keeping training pase

25 OMR per 1 session (60 minutes)

150 OMR per 6 sessions  60 MINUTES (including gym entry, NUTRITION program suited for a client goal)

Go shopping food
with the Nutritionist

Supervised shopping - learn how to choose healthier groceries, daily food and how to avoid yourself from the usual marketing gimmicks.

35 OMR per 60 minutes


45 minutes gym training session
Nutrition support (Nutrition program teaching client hot to moderate nutrition menu for the goal, how to create right portions and how to start live healthier)
One location only

20 OMR per 45 min. training session + Nutrition supervision included
(120 per 6 sessions)

    Vybrané úspěchy:

    Olympia Amateur Spain 2018 – 1. místo v bikini fitness žen do 168 cm a 2. ABOSOLUTNÍ vítězka mezi všemi prvními místy závodnic Olympia Amateur 2018, získání PRO karty vítězů
    Grand Prix Sweden 2015 – 2. místo v bikini finess žen do 168 cm
    Mistrovství Evropy 2015 - 9. místo v bikini fitness žen do 169 cm
    Mistrovství ČR mužů, žen a párů 2015 - 1. místo v bikiny fitness do 168 cm
    Mistrovství Čech 2015 - 2. místo v bikiny fitness do 168 cm
    Mistrovství ČR mužů, žen, párů a masters 2014 - 2. místo v bikiny fitness do 168 cm
    Mistrovství ČR mužů, žen, párů a masters 2013 - 3. místo v bikiny fitness do 168 cm
    Mistrovství ČR mužů, žen, párů a masters 2012 - 2. místo v bikiny fitness do 168
    Mistrovství Světa žen a fitness mužů 2012 - 11. místo v bikiny fitness do 168 cm
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